Our Program


Friend to Friend America has supported residents in the Pacific Northwest with its vast network of volunteers serving throughout the Greater Seattle Area. We have residents and volunteers from the Canadian Boarder to Oregon and beyond!

Friend to Friend America has demonstrated its competence in 45 years of service.

Friend the Friend has served more than 16,000 residents. The program was run as a program of the Church Council of Greater Seattle until February 1st of 2013 when Friend to Friend America reclaimed stewardship of Friend to Friend.

Those who benefit most are the residents of the Homes to whom a friend is assigned. The adverse effects of loneliness are reduced as they are given caring support during a time when it is greatly needed. Volunteers benefit by developing their interpersonal skills and acquiring an increased understanding of the needs and resources of older and disabled persons. As members of the community become involved in the Homes, other ideas for related efforts are generated and promoted. People are engaged in a common, worthwhile task — that of improving the quality of life in their community in a direct and personal manner. Though the visits are short the magic of friendship is priceless!

Families can request a Friend to visit their family member at no charge. Family members may contact us for assistance.

Download our brochure.

Where we serve

Friend To Friend America matches volunteers in five Puget Sound counties: King, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish, and Thurston. Volunteers are matched in other areas as requested.

Not in your area? People around the globe have sought and initiated Friend to Friend programs in their regions. Those who are interested in volunteering outside of the Puget Sound WA area or want to start the program in their area as a local volunteer coordinator are welcome to contact Friend to Friend America to get additional information.

Where we serve

The need is GREAT!

“Nationally, six out of ten residents in nursing homes never have a visitor” — Seattle Times 5/01

Many of the 60,000 elderly and disabled persons living in a ‘Home’ in the Puget Sound area never have a personal visitor. Living away from family and friends, they feel isolated and lonely, which leads to further physical and mental deterioration. Many are discouraged and depressed and have lost their will to live. Social programs within the Homes do not fully meet the need of the residents on this deeply personal level. Visits by a caring friend add a dimension which enriches and makes their lives more meaningful.

People are living longer and the number of persons living in Homes increases annually. The need for volunteer friends for these persons is also increasing. Daily recruitment and continual program development is required to keep pace with this need. Currently Friend to Friend America volunteers are regularly visiting lonely residents in 300+ Homes throughout the Puget Sound area. Many more friends are needed.

Relevance today more than ever

As our baby boomers age the need for caring volunteers is growing and given the financial climate of the past few years many of our seniors today are living in poverty. They have outlived their spouses and finances. These residents often lack visitors as 6 out of 10 residents never get a visitor. This heartbreaking reality is the center of our mission and our passion to erase loneliness the driving force of our team of volunteers! We are always looking for new volunteers and donors to support the work of our volunteers.

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